Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dick and a Degree Syndrome

I am currently counting down the moments until my exodus from Kansas City. I have been here for 4 years now and the first year I had a boyfriend. In the last 3 years I have only found one person that I even remotely liked and well that didn't turn out too well. One of the first things I noticed about black educated men in KC was that most of them complained about being here. BUT I don't know one that is from KC that has moved.
Why would anyone stay here?
(Now I am biased, and if you love KC click to the next blog because I plan to bash KC with fervor in almost every blog)

In my observation the black men here love being BIG fish in a small pond. They like that they are one of a "few good men." And what always makes me giggle inside is that, I haven't really met many that are that impressive. Now granted I went to an HBCU, so I am used to being around educated black folk. I was also a biology major so most of my friends, are teachers, physicians, dentists, or have their PhD's, so a bachelors isn't that impressive to me. Everyone should be commended for bettering themselves no matter what that entails but don't smell yourself too much or think that I am supposed to be impressed.
I was having a casual conversation with one of these "few good men" and I was telling him that he should (blah blah blah) or he will end up single and he says to me "I have a dick and a degree, I won't be single."
Oh monkey hell no he didn't.
Really, is that all it takes?
Now this wasn't by any means a Boris Kojoe stunt double, or Tyson Beckford's even finer twin brother. This dude is aiiight.
Again I am giggling in my mind because I think to myself, I would have never talked to you back home. This is a dude who the first time I went out with him alone I called my girls afterwards and told them that I had been on the most uninteresting outing of my life. (NO LIE!!!) It took 2 years of free lunches for me to realize that he is actually a cool dude, but if I wasn't in KC he wouldn't have ever gotten those lunch opportunities.

So from my experience here is all you need to be a BIG fish in KC(aka small pond)
1) Have arms and legs (ambulatory ones) don't laugh I have been to a party where the most eligible person there was a guy in a wheelchair
2) Be at least 5 feet 5 inches ( I swear men are shorter here I am usually one of the tallest people at most parties)
3) Have most of your teeth
4 & 5) If you have these two they supersede 1-3 A DICK AND A DEGREE

I am blown!!!
And I am out!!!!!

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